Category: Editorials

Enjoy the Long Holiday Weekend Safely

The upcoming long-weekend means that most of us will be partaking in traditional gatherings with our families, friends, and co-workers to share the joy of the holiday season. Unfortunately, this also means that many among us will be overindulging in…

Letters to the Editor

New City Manager Gives Thoughts Dear Editor and Chelsea residents, On January 2nd, 2024, I will be sworn in as your next City Manager. I am deeply honored to serve in this critical role and want to thank the honorable…

Happy Thanksgiving

A Harris poll a few years ago revealed that Christmas is the favorite holiday of the year among all age groups of Americans, but we think that Thanksgiving, our uniquely American holiday, has much more to recommend it than Christmas. Thanksgiving…

Letter to the Editor 11-9-2023

Successful 50th Anniversary Remembrance To the Editor, A big thank you to: Emergency Management Director Steve Staffier, 911 Assistant Director Dan Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Chelsea Fire Alarm Paul Koolloian, Emergency Management Supervisor Josiah Hill, Chelsea Deputy Fire Chief John…